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Outdoor Mindfulness

For Children’s Mental Health Week, gardening and being in nature is a fantastic opportunity to reflect and help support our mental health. Around school the first sets of snowdrops have begun popping up, and goat willow has started developing male catkins which looks like cat paws. Goat willow support lots of wildlife such as the elusive and regal purple emperor butterfly. 

The Eco Team and students from The Bridge have been watching song birds visit our new bird feeding station and learnt new skills in the poly-tunnel. Students have become experts in potting seedlings into individual plants. They have begun potting chillies and sweet peppers which were sown in January in a heated propagator as they require temperatures of 21 degrees to germinate. Chillies and peppers need a long growing season so we will hopefully see fruit in July! 

We are now on Instagram under SHVoutdoors where we will be posting updates from the Eco Team, School Garden and the development of the Forest School, so you can keep up to date with the progress being made!